Mazi underground city: It is located in the Urgup district of Nevşehir. It is an 8-storey settlement, known as Mataza in Antiquity, and is located in the village of Mazi. There are 4 different entrances to Mazi Underground City. It is approximately 25 km from the Cappadocia tourism region.
Mazi Underground City
This city, which was built for defense and a safe life, provides entrance and exit with its sliding stones, which are also common in other underground cities. These stones can only be moved from one side. There are holes around it to attack enemies with spears during a possible attack.
As in other underground cities, there are barns at the entrance. These barns, unlike other cities, are made of holes to be used as troughs in order to meet the water needs of the animals comfortably.

Visiting Hours and Days
An estimated 6,000 people are thought to live in the underground city. And it is open to visitors every day.
Visiting hours start at 08:00 and end at 19:00. Box Office Closing Time is 18.00.