Things to do in Canakkale – Top 13 Places to See

Canakkale is one of the beautiful cities to visit in Turkey, especially with its historical sites. You can find out what to do in Canakkale, the best places to visit and more in this article. Canakkale is a city that stands out with its historical and cultural values in the Marmara Region of Turkey.

Best Things to Do in Canakkale

Historic buildings, museums and monuments in the city give visitors a chance to travel into the past. Canakkale’s cultural values are not limited to history alone. Events such as the International Canakkale Biennial and the International Troia Festival held in the city bring together important names from the world of art and culture. In addition, handicrafts, folk dances and traditional cuisine in the region offer visitors a unique experience.

Babakale Castle (Babakale Kalesi)

It draws attention as a historical castle located in the Ayvacik district of Canakkale. It fascinates its visitors with its unique location and magnificent structure. Built to control the entrance to the Bosphorus, this castle offers visitors an unforgettable sightseeing experience with its historical texture.

The castle, along with other castles in the surrounding area, reflects the strategic importance of the area and is a great attraction for history lovers. In addition, the historical stone houses and narrow streets on the road leading to the castle offer a nostalgic atmosphere to the visitors. Babakale Castle is a destination that combines history, culture and natural beauties.

Babakale Castle (Babakale Kalesi)
Babakale Castle (Babakale Kalesi)

Apollon Smintheion

It is known as an ancient temple in Ayvacik, Canakkale. Dedicated to the god of medicine Asklepios, this temple stands out with its historical and mythological significance. This temple is dedicated to Asclepius, the god of medicine, and was used as a healing center in ancient times. The ruins of the temple reflect the fascinating atmosphere of antiquity and offer visitors the opportunity to trace the past.

Apollon Smintheion
Apollon Smintheion

Assos Ruins (Assos Ören Yeri)

It is an ancient settlement in the Ayvacik district of Canakkale. Fascinating with its historical ruins, this place is one of the places to visit with its historical structures such as the ancient theatre, agora and stoa. Combined with the magnificent view of Assos, this ruin site is indispensable for history and archeology enthusiasts.

Assos Ruins (Assos Ören Yeri)
Assos Ruins (Assos Ören Yeri)

Assos Ancient Port (Assos Antik Liman)

It is a historical port located in the Ayvacik district of Canakkale. It carries the traces of the trade and maritime life of the past. The ruins of the harbor give visitors the atmosphere of antiquity and allow them to witness the trade journeys of the past. With its unique view and historical texture, Assos Ancient Harbor is a beauty waiting to be discovered. Assos Ancient Harbor is a place worth exploring for history and archeology lovers.

Assos Ancient Port (Assos Antik Liman)
Assos Ancient Port (Assos Antik Liman)

Ayazma Spring Nature Park (Ayazma Pınarı Tabiat Parkı)

It is a natural beauty located in the Biga district of Canakkale. It attracts visitors with its clear water, lush nature and peaceful atmosphere. Enriched with nature walks, picnic areas and bird watching spots, the park is an ideal getaway for nature lovers. Here you can enjoy nature and have peaceful moments.

Ayazma Spring Nature Park (Ayazma Pınarı Tabiat Parkı)
Ayazma Spring Nature Park (Ayazma Pınarı Tabiat Parkı)

Parion Ancient City (Parion Antik Kenti)

It is a historical settlement located in the Biga district of Canakkale. It fascinates its visitors with its ruins and structures that have survived from the ancient period. Parion is one of the places visited by history and archeology buffs. It is one of the beautiful places to visit in Canakkale. You can see many buildings from the ancient period closely and learn about the ancient city.

Parion Ancient City (Parion Antik Kenti)
Parion Ancient City (Parion Antik Kenti)

Canakkale Martyrs Monument (Çanakkale Şehitler Abidesi)

It is one of the meaningful monumental structures located on the Gallipoli Peninsula of Canakkale. It was built to commemorate the soldiers who lost their lives in World War I. There are monuments symbolizing the heroism and patriotism of Turkish soldiers in the monument, which consists of a high tower. You can see the most beautiful view of Canakkale from where the Martyrs’ Monument is located.

Canakkale Martyrs Monument (Çanakkale Şehitler Abidesi)
Canakkale Martyrs Monument (Çanakkale Şehitler Abidesi)

Kilitbahir Castle (Kilitbahir Kalesi)

It is one of the historical castles in Canakkale. Built during the Ottoman Empire, this castle draws attention with its strategic importance. The castle, which is used to control the entrance of the Dardanelles, offers its visitors both history and a beautiful view with its historical texture and impressive view. Kilitbahir Castle is one of the iconic structures of Canakkale.

Kilitbahir Castle (Kilitbahir Kalesi)
Kilitbahir Castle (Kilitbahir Kalesi)

Seyit Corporal Monument (Seyit Onbaşı Anıtı)

It is a monument built for a Turkish soldier in the Eceabat district of Canakkale. Seyit Corporal is known for his heroism during World War I. The monument describes how Seyit Corporal carried a 215-kilogram shell on his back and hit the enemy ships. This monument is a symbol of patriotism and courage and offers visitors a historical story.

Seyit Corporal Monument (Seyit Onbaşı Anıtı)
Seyit Corporal Monument (Seyit Onbaşı Anıtı)

Cimenlik Castle (Çimenlik Kalesi)

It is a historical castle and museum located in the center of Canakkale. Built during the Ottoman Empire, this castle played a strategic role during the Dardanelles Wars. Cimenlik Castle, which is used as a museum today, offers visitors exhibitions bearing the traces of the war, historical artifacts and an impressive atmosphere. You can also visit Canakkale Naval Museum in the same place as Cimenlik Castle.

Canakkale Naval Museum is an important museum located in the center of Canakkale. It has a rich collection belonging to the Turkish Naval Forces. Ships, submarines, weapons and other maritime vehicles are on display. The museum presents artifacts and information about the maritime history and strategic importance of Canakkale.

Cimenlik Castle (Çimenlik Kalesi)
Cimenlik Castle (Çimenlik Kalesi)

Trojan horse (Truva Atı)

The Trojan horse, located in the Biga district of Canakkale, attracts the attention of local and foreign tourists. The Trojan horse is of great interest to mythology and history buffs and offers visitors a fascinating piece of the ancient world. The location of the Trojan Horse is close to the coastline and there are many restaurants and cafes in the surrounding area.

Trojan horse (Truva Atı)
Trojan horse (Truva Atı)

Troy Museum (Troya Müzesi)

It is a historical museum located in Tevfikiye village of Canakkale. It is home to the ruins of the ancient city of Troy. The artifacts exhibited here tell the history and mythology of Troy. Archaeological finds, sculptures, ceramics and other ancient artifacts offer visitors a unique tour of the museum. Troy Museum is a nice museum to visit for those who want to discover the mystery of the ancient world.

Troy Museum (Troya Müzesi)
Troy Museum (Troya Müzesi)

Alexandria Troas Ruins (Alexandria Troas Ören Yeri)

It is an ancient settlement located in the Ezine district of Canakkale. Founded by Alexander the Great, this city became an important center during the Roman Empire. The ruins of the ruins include a theatre, agora and temples. If you like to visit historical places, you can add Troas ruins to your list of places to visit.

Alexandria Troas Ruins (Alexandria Troas Ören Yeri)
Alexandria Troas Ruins (Alexandria Troas Ören Yeri)

Food Culture in Canakkale

Canakkale is a region known for its rich and diverse food culture. This city, where Aegean cuisine and Anatolian flavors are blended, offers a cuisine famous for its seafood. Flavors such as fresh fish from the sea, stuffed mussels, and fried anchovies stand out with their local flavors. In addition, olive oil dishes, herb dishes, olives and cheeses also occupy an important place.

Among the famous delicacies of Canakkale are pilaf, mihlama, fried liver and lamb tandoori. These unique flavors are prepared with recipes that have been handed down for years and where local ingredients are carefully used. Canakkale’s food culture leaves an unforgettable taste on the palate.

Map of Places to Visit in Canakkale

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